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Tutorial to start Zowe in Kubernetes

By | February 11, 2022

Written by Jack Jia, Software Developer at IBM, dedicated to Zowe

This article originally ran on the Zowe Medium site

If you have read our other blog about Open Mainframe Project’s Zowe Kubernetes Overview, you may have captured a general idea of what is the new Zowe Kubernetes deployment, and why Zowe provides it. In this blog, we would like to dive into the technical details of this new deployment and run a step-by-step exercise to deploy Zowe to Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine.

You will need a basic understanding of how Zowe and Kubernetes work before continuing. To learn more about Zowe, is a recommended place to start with. If you want to know more about Kubernetes, will be the best place.

Architecture view of Zowe Kubernetes deployment

Compared to deploying Zowe to z/OS system, as described in Zowe architecture, the following diagram depicts the difference in locations of Zowe components when deploying Zowe into Kubernetes cluster as opposed to running all components on a single z/OS system.

  • Zowe System Services Server (aka ZSS) and Cross Memory Server (aka ZIS) are remaining on the z/OS side to communicate with z/OS native functions. Besides that, you have a choice to deploy all other components in Kubernetes.
  • You can deploy Zowe to Kubernetes on any platform like,
  • All Zowe Kubernetes workloads are running on a dedicated namespace (zowe by default) to distinguish from other workloads in the same Kubernetes cluster.
  • Zowe has its own ServiceAccount to help with managing permissions.
  • Server components use similar instance.env or zowe.yaml on z/OS, which are stored in ConfigMap and Secret, to configure and start.
  • Server components can be configured using the same certificates used on z/OS components.
  • Zowe claims its own Persistent Volume to share files across components.
  • Each server component is running in separated containers and can scale independently based on its own resource consumption.
  • Components may register themselves to APIML Discovery with their own Pod name within the cluster.
  • Zowe workloads use zowe-launch-scripts initContainers step to prepare required runtime directories.
  • Only necessary components ports are exposed outside of Kubernetes with Service (or in combination with Ingress, OpenShift Route).

When deploying Zowe server components into container orchestration software like Kubernetes, we follow standard Kubernetes practices and the cluster can be monitored and managed with common Kubernetes administration methods.

For each Zowe core component image, we provide 2×2 flavors to cover:

  • base image of latest Ubuntu and Red Hat Universal Base Image,
  • CPU architecture of amd64 (for x86 based CPU) and s390x (for Linux on Z mainframe).

Currently, our images are shipped in registry, and you can find all images we released from

For each image, we also release and update manifests to help you pick the right level of image based on your requirement. Typical image manifests we provide are:

For example, if you would like to automatically pick the most recent changes from v1 releases, you can use images like

These manifests covers both amd64 and s390x CPU architecture, so it will work no matter if you are running it in a distributed environment (typically x86 based CPU) or running on Linux on a Z mainframe.

In-depth details of Zowe Kubernetes deployment

You can deploy Zowe to Kubernetes v1.19+ or compatible OpenShift v4.6+.

Depending on your Kubernetes or OpenShift setup, some of the configurations you may need to customize for your environment, especially for Persistent Volume, Networking, and your domain name to access Kubernetes and z/OS.

Here is a list of example Kubernetes manifests we provide you can customize based upon.

  • zowe Namespace is a good start point to isolate your workload from others in the same cluster.
  • ServiceAccount zowe-sa is defined to help you customize the permission setup.
  • Examples of defining zowe-workspace-pvc PersistentVolumeClaim. This persistent volume helps Zowe to share data between components. For example, one Desktop plugin may need to share its runtime to AppServer, or a static registered component may need to share its registration file to Discovery service. To define a PersistentVolumeClaim, you need to find out the appropriate StorageClass you can use across all possible Kubernetes nodes and support ReadWriteMany access mode.
  • Example of zowe-config (and optional zowe-certificates-cmConfigMap and zowe-certificates-secret Secret. These configurations are similar to the instance.env or zowe.yaml you are using to start Zowe on z/OS. Zowe also ships a utility tools <instance>/bin/utils/ to help you migrate the configurations and certificates from z/OS to Kubernetes.
  • Example definitions of Zowe APIML API Catalog, Discovery and Gateway Service-s. gateway-service is the main service that must be exposed outside of Kubernetes and serves as entry point of Zowe. We also provide sample Ingress which may be needed in some setup. These networking definitions are very attached to your Kubernetes flavor like how your load balancer, Ingress controller is set up, what are the domain and port you would like to use, etc.
  • One discovery StatefulSet and several Deployments match all other Zowe core components.
  • cleanup-static-definitions CronJob is predefined to help Zowe cleanup abandoned static definitions.
  • Example PodDisruptionBudgets can help you maintain the availability of services.
  • Example HorizontalPodAutoscalers can help you scale Zowe based on CPU consumption of your workload.

We try to decouple Zowe runtime scripts from component runtime code so they can build and release independently. Zowe components, as well as extension images, have no requirement to contain Zowe runtime scripts. The Zowe context will be prepared when we start the component inside a Zowe cluster.

This picture illustrates directory changes when a component container is running in a Zowe cluster.

Security Consideration

Security is always a top priority of running Zowe on any platform. Zowe follows Kubernetes common best practices and also Kubernetes Hardening Guidance from National Security Agency and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

  • Zowe conformant images must define zowe user and group other than using root user.
  • Zowe prohibits starting component container with root user.
  • Zowe example Deployments has predefined securityContext to limit runtime user, group, and file system group to zowe.
  • Zowe launch script is started as PID 1 and will handle the SIGTERM signal properly by propagating to all child processes.
  • By default Zowe example Deployments also enabled readOnlyRootFilesystem securityContext to protect the root file system from overwriting.
  • Zowe core components are regularly scanned with security tools.
  • Zowe workloads are isolated with Namespace and ServiceAccount.
  • Zowe configurations and certificates can be securely stored in Secret, or potentially Vault to protect from unexpected access.
  • You can still enable the strict VERIFY_CERTIFICATES option to achieve the best security like running Zowe on z/OS.

Exercise deployment to Google Cloud

With the above knowledge, let’s try to deploy Zowe into Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine. Hopefully, after this section, you may have a better understanding of how Zowe can be deployed and what are necessary customization may be required.

You will need a Google Cloud account, proper billing setup, Google Cloud CLI, and kubectl installed on your local computer. This step may cost you around $1 or $2 depends on how long you let your cluster runs.

  • Visit and create your own project.
  • Choose Kubernetes Engine — Clusters from GCP menus. If you have never used this feature before, GCP may ask you to enable the feature before continuing.
  • Click on “Create” from the interface.
  • Select either “GKE Standard” or “GKE Autopilot”. I will choose “GKE Standard” for this demo.
  • Provide a name for your cluster, customize a zone close to you, then click on “CREATE” button. Then let’s wait for your cluster to be ready. This may usually take 2–4 minutes.
  • Select the new cluster you just created, click on “CONNECT” button. This interface provides commands you need to prepare Kubernetes config context on your local computer.
  • Copy the command and run it on your local computer Terminal.
  • Now we can start to follow Zowe documentation to deploy Zowe. First, let’s create Namespace and ServiceAccount:
$ kubectl apply -f common/
namespace/zowe created
serviceaccount/zowe-sa created
  • a) Visit to create an instance. In this example, I will call the Instance ID as zowe-workspace-filestore, and File share name as zowe_workspace. All other options I choose to default, but customized to the zone I picked for my cluster. Click on “CREATE” and wait for your Filestore to be ready. This may usually take several minutes.
  • b) Check your newly created Filestore instance, pay attention to the information showing in this section “NFS mount point”:

The IP and share name will be needed in the next step.

$ kubectl apply -f samples/google-cloud/workspace-pvc.yaml persistentvolume/zowe-workspace-pv created persistentvolumeclaim/zowe-workspace-pvc created

To verify if your PersistentVolumeClaim is configured properly, run

$ kubectl get pvc -n zoweNAME                 STATUS   VOLUME              CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGEzowe-workspace-pvc   Bound    zowe-workspace-pv   10G        RWX                           3m4s

If you see STATUS is Bound, you can move to the next step.

$ kubectl apply -f samples/api-catalog-service.yaml -f samples/gateway-service-lb.yaml -f samples/discovery-service-lb.yaml
service/api-catalog-service created
service/gateway-service created

From the GKE console, check Services & Ingress and wait for all services status are OK and Endpoints are available like this.

cd <instance-dir>
./bin/utils/ -x ""

Please note the IP showing above is the gateway-service external IP showing in previous step.

Follow the instructions shown on the screen and copy all the content of ConfigMaps and Secret and save it to your local computer. Now apply the configs to your cluster by running:

$ kubectl apply -f my-configs.yaml
configmap/zowe-config created
configmap/zowe-certificates-cm created
secret/zowe-certificates-secret created
$ kubectl apply -f workloads/instance-env/
deployment.apps/api-catalog created
deployment.apps/app-server created
deployment.apps/caching created
cronjob.batch/cleanup-static-definitions created
statefulset.apps/discovery created
deployment.apps/explorer-jes created
deployment.apps/explorer-mvs created
deployment.apps/explorer-uss created
deployment.apps/files-api created
deployment.apps/gateway created
deployment.apps/jobs-api created

Check Workloads menu from the GKE console, wait until all workloads’ statuses are OK. This may take about 3-5 minutes. .

  • Congratulations, now you can access your Zowe instance running in the Kubernetes by accessing the gateway-service external IP. In my case, it’s Once all APIMLservices are ready, you should see 3 green checkmarks. You can also access Zowe Desktop with URL
  • You can use your common Kubernetes operations practice. For example, examine logs of Zowe containers.

Once you have done your testing, you can delete the cluster you created, as well as the Filestore instance.


If you followed this introduction and successfully deployed your Zowe workload to your Kubernetes, now it’s time to explore the functions provided by Zowe and the high availability, high scalability, ease of maintenance inherited from Kubernetes.

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